Vitamin C is an antioxidant, along with vitamin E, beta-carotene, and many other plant-based nutrients. Vitamin C is often considered one of the “superstars” of the nutrient world. Vitamin C has a prominent role in over 300 functions in the body. Dozens of studies show that Vitamin C has multifaceted benefits ranging from protection against heart disease and cancer to other more esoteric conditions such as fatigue, wound healing and general immunity. It is also a potent antioxidant that helps protect against premature aging.
Deficiency symptoms of Vitamin CSigns of vitamin deficiency include dry and splitting hair; gingivitis more commonly known as inflammation of the gums and bleeding gums; rough, dry, scaly skin; decreased wound-healing rate, easy bruising; nosebleeds; and a decreased ability to ward off infection.Conditions Associated with low levels of vitamin CLow levels of vitamin C have been associated with a number of serious conditions, including high blood pressure, gallbladder disease, stroke, some cancers, and atherosclerosis, the build-up plaque in blood vessels that can lead to heart attack and stroke.
Download SpectraCell's Nutrition Correlation chart referencing the correlation between vitamin C with hypertension as well as watch our webinar "Nutrition and its relation to Cardiovascular Risk Factors"