'Nutrient Deficiencies Say More than Just the Absence of a Nutrient' by Dr. Arland Hill

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May 12, 2011

Micronutrient testing can be a real asset to the practicing clinician trying to help restore basic metabolic needs of their patients.  After all, nutrients power the various metabolic processes.  Without their availability, metabolic function is slowed or in some cases even brought to a stand still depending on the level of the nutrient deficiency.  Research has shown that over time, lack of nutrients can be lead to dysfunction and ultimately disease states.  Sometimes just restoring a single nutrient deficiency can have profound impact on the health of the patient and really help turn a corner, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

The true utility of SpectraCell’s micronutrient testing lies not in the analysis of individual nutrient deficiencies, but rather in the concept of observing patterns of nutrient deficiencies.  This is not to say that looking at individual nutrient deficiencies is not valid, but rather is an emphasis on the idea that with pattern identification, one can better have an idea of where to focus attention.

To better understand this concept, it is ideal to take a clinical scenario that may present.  Let us look at dysglycemia, or blood glucose dysregulation.  Those dealing with this condition are a fast growing segment of the population.  Yet these individuals don’t just manifest dyslglycemia overnight.  Rather they transition through a continuum that often begins with symptomatic reactive hypoglycemia, leading on to insulin resistance and ultimately diabetes if left untreated.  What if you had a method to tell your patients that they were in this pattern and that by addressing some of their nutrient deficiencies, you could help delay or even prevent the onset of dysglycemia.  A micronutrient test showing a nutrient pattern of nutrient deficiencies including B3, zinc, chromium, alpha lipoic acid and of course glucose-insulin interaction would suggest this very thing.

This is just one example, but it illustrates the breadth of information contained in the reports of the micronutrient test.  The reports provided by SpectraCell are not just a window into the intracellular health of the patient, but a tool with predictive abilities when appropriately assessed.  Noting the patterns within the test moves beyond the notion of just nutrient restoration, but allows one to see systems that must be supported to regain complete health and wellness.