Are Nutrient Deficiencies Stunting your Health?

Published on
November 20, 2012

Written by Dr. David J. Blyweiss, Sanctuary Medical Center

Micronutrient Testing Can Help.                                                                                

Are you struggling with the challenges of a chronic degenerative illness like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, inflammatory arthritis or some other chronic health issue? With overwhelming evidence that nutrient deficiencies suppress normal biochemical/biological reactions in humans including immune system function, it is important for you to understand the scope of what this means to you personally and to your family. We have become nutritionally incomplete at a time of increasing change in our environment. And it is becoming increasingly more difficult to stay healthy in the face of fighting off the stressors, toxins, allergens, infections and the chronic inflammatory/immune system failures I see everyday; in patients from 9 years old to 90.

Dr. Charles Northren MD's work; "The Criticial Significance of Colloidal Minerals" was used as evidence (and was in fact U.S. Senate Document 264), in trying to force Big Agribusiness to put back into the ground that which their plants were taking out, leaving us undermineralised and under nourished. Nothing happened - that was 1936.

It's very easy to blame caffeine containing food and drink for the generations' old osteoporotic epidemic; after all, you lose calcium with every coke or cup of coffee you drink, right? Well we lost it too forty or fifty years before, but we had silicon and strontium and magnesium and calcium amongst other nutrients our very bones needed, in the top soil. These were being absorbed by the plants we were eating and incorporating them into our bodies. Now with unbridled erosion and empty hollow ground we are bereft of these freely given gifts of health.

How do you know which vitamins, minerals or antioxidants you are missing that your grandparents or great grandparents took for granted was in their food? One of the ways is to functionally test your blood to see which micronutrients your cells are actively needing to grow.

The test I prefer is the MNT (Micronutrient Test) from Spectracell, Inc. It doesn't just take a snapshot of what's circulating in your blood at the time of the blood draw, and it doesn't infer results from metabolic waste products. It reflects what your cells need right now to function optimally. I've done the test myself and on the ones I love. It's made a difference.

After your results come in we develop a personalized program that helps supplement your deficiencies.

Dr. David J. Blyweiss is a pioneer in functional medicine, which uses the systems biology approach to manage and alleviate symptoms related to difficult-to-treat diseases by focusing on the underlying causes of the malady, and allowing the body to heal itself. He has been practicing medicine for nearly 30 years. To learn more about the Sanctuary Medical Center, please click here. For more information on about all that SpectraCell has to offer, click here.